Week 30th April

This week Eagle Owl Class have been continuing to look at the story ‘Running Wild’ by Michael Morpurgo.  We have focused upon the part in the story when the Orangutans are captured and wrote our own descriptions building up to this part. The children have worked incredibly hard on including as much of our grammar learning as possible.

Maths this week has been revising lots of different areas of learning in order to help prepare the Year 6 children for their SATS.

In science we have continued to look at our topic ‘Earth’ and have been learning what makes a day, month and year. We have looked at how long it takes the various planets to orbit the Sun and how shadows change based upon where we are in relation to the sun.

Week 23rd April

Eagle Owl Class have been looking at inference. We first looked at some shoes and discussed what we could infer from the shoes about the person who might have worn them. We were then given a piece of text which told us more about the person who wore the shoes and recorded what else we could infer now. Finally we were given a picture of the shoe owner and looked to see whether our inference had been correct.

We have been continuing our ICT project work this half-term on Biomes. This week we learnt to insert hyperlinks into our presentation and continued to format our research.


Week 16th April 2018

Eagle Owl class have started their new topic ‘Biomes’. We have been reading the book Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson and writing setting and character descriptions.

In Maths we have been revising lots of our methods as the Year 6 children are getting closer to their SATS.

In ICT the children this half-term are going to creating presentations about Biomes and started this off this week by beginning to research their Biome.

In PE we are taking part in circuit training this half-term and will eventually be creating our own circuit activities.